Today’s PPA webinar on ‘Transitioning from Founder-Led to Perpetual Governance Models’ with expert panellists, Rob Millard (Cambridge Strategy Group), Fernando Pelaez-Pier (F.Pelaez Consulting,, David Shufflebotham (PEP Up Consulting), Claire Watkins (Buzzacott) and Zulon Begum (CM Murray LLP) was brilliant!
Above is a screenshot from the session of Rob Millard’s and David Shufflebotham’s excellent matrix reflecting key factors that impact a founder to perpetual model transition. Founder led firms need to aim for the top right quadrant.
Other interesting takeaways were:
- Early discussions with exiting and joining partners is key.
- Firms and founders need to look at viability of an exit and the impact on cash flow at least 3 to 5 years ahead.
- Governance docs need to be regularly reviewed and reflect the firm’s succession plan.
- There are many ways to cut the cake, including annuities, consultancy arrangements, a goodwill model, a “naked in, naked out” or tenancy model and returns on a future capital event.
Don’t worry if you missed it, it was recorded and will be shared in due course.