On 4 March 2022, the SRA launched a new consultation on proposed rule changes on health and wellbeing at work, following on from their recent guidance and thematic review on workplace environments. The consultation proposes the following change to the Code of Conduct for Individuals and Firms:

‘You treat colleagues fairly and with respect. You do not bully or harass them or discriminate unfairly against them. You challenge behaviour that does not meet this standard.”

In this video, I discuss with CM Murray LLP’s Regulatory and Professional Discipline Partner, Andrew Pavlovic, whether the proposed change will have the desired effect of improving work culture and empowering individuals to challenge undesirable behaviour, or if some of the proposed changes could be counter productive, increasing the stress and regulatory burden on individual lawyers, including junior lawyers themselves, and creating a parallel jurisdiction with the Employment Tribunal.

If you would like to discuss the SRA Consultation on rule changes on health and wellbeing at work further, or if you have any questions arising from this video, please contact Andrew Pavlovic or Clare Murray.