Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) are most often considered relevant in relation to employees. But how do they apply in the context of firms?

In the next of CM Murray LLP’s Ten-Minute Talk series, Partner and General Counsel Beth Hale and Partner Corinne Staves discuss NDAs, with a particular focus on the key issues arising in

There are many ways of dealing with the dual challenges of under rewarded high flyers and over rewarded under performers. Making sure that reward and performance systems are right is critical to the growth strategy of a firm.

In the first webinar of the Professional Practices Alliance Growth Strategy Webinar series, Chair Zulon Begum,

Results from one of the polls during this week’s webinar, ‘Partner Performance Management and Remuneration Systems: Under-Rewarded High-Flyers & Over-Rewarded Under-Performers’, with the majority of attendees stating that their partner profit allocation system deals with ‘high-flyers’ “well enough”, and 29% agreeing their system deals with them “very well”.

If you missed the webinar, the recording

We are delighted to invite you to the Professional Practices Alliance (PPA) discussion, ‘Partner Performance Management and Remuneration Systems – Under-Rewarded High-Flyers and Over-Rewarded Under-Performers’ on Wednesday, 20 April 2022. Join our chair, Zulon Begum (CM Murray LLP), and expert panel, Beth Hale (CM Murray LLP), David Shufflebotham (Pep Up Consulting) and Corinne Staves (Maurice

Do partner reviews, reward discussions and decisions fill you with dread?

In the third and final of my short posts designed to help leadership teams improve process and outcomes, I provide some tips on how to approach evaluating “broader” partner contributions. Those “hard to measure” contributions that fall outside short-term client service commitments and don’t

Law firm leaders and advisers please read Alys Carlton‘s recent LinkedIn post. It is spot on.

Delivering effective performance in “big jobs” within a fulfilled life needs focus and determination.

Determination to actually to do less of something, to allow others to grow, and for you to find the head-space, time and energy

It is vital to the ongoing success of professional services firms that partner performance is actively and effectively monitored and managed. Getting it right is likely to lead to increased partner satisfaction, retention levels and firm profitability. Getting it wrong could give rise to disgruntled partners, avoidable departures, exposure to the risk of claims and

Such a thoughtful piece on how Gareth Southgate models the range of attributes and skills needed to be effective leader.

So interesting, thank you Prof Tim MorrisSaïd Business School, University of Oxford.

Tim Morris, Professor of Management Studies, illustrates how England’s manager is helping the team enjoy its most success in years