In this alert, Associate Pooja Dasgupta and Partners Zulon Begum and Clare Murray summarise three of the most notable and interesting Partnership and LLP law cases heard by the UK courts in 2021, with some practical commentary on how they might affect LLPs and partnerships, and their members and partners.

3 of the Must-Know Partnership

Partners of professional practices spend their entire careers focused on protecting the interests of their clients.  This can sometimes be at the expense of their own planning.

We are pleased to share with you the recording from our recent Professional Practices Alliance (PPA) expert discussion, ‘Personal Risk Management for Partners’.

In this podcast recording, you

Interesting results from today’s Professional Practices Alliance polls:

  • Only half of attendees have a will in place, despite the intestacy rules being a (too) blunt instrument for most partners’ affairs. Unmarried couples and those with second (or more) families are particularly exposed.
  • A tiny fraction have LPAs.
  • But attendees support the principle that firms and

Excellent session this morning at the Professional Practices Alliance webinar ‘Professional Risk Management for Partners’, with great advice from Rachel O’Donoghue, Fiona Poole, James Currie, Beth Hale, David Shufflebotham and expertly chaired by Corinne Staves.

Planning for things we expect to happen, is one thing. But planning for “what if?” is quite another and it